There are a number of shortcodes included to display specific content anywhere on your website. Let's start with the booking calendar/list.
Booked Calendar:
The [booked-calendar]
shortcode displays the booking calendar (or single day) for your users to book appointments.
This attribute let's you choose between the default calendar view or a single day "list" view.[booked-calendar style="list"]
This attribute let's you display the "switcher" to swith between calendars on the front-end:[booked-calendar switcher="true"]
Year, Month, and/or Day:
Use these attributes to display a specific "year" and/or "month". You can also add a "day" attribute when using the "list" style (see above).[booked-calendar year="2016" month="3" day="15"]
Use the "calendar" attribute to display a specific calendar (if you have any created). Otherwise, Booked will simply display the default calendar. You must use the Calendar's ID (you can find calendar-specific shortcodes on the Settings screen).[booked-calendar calendar="2"]
This attribute let's you change the size from the default full size to the "small" size if needed. This is good for calendars that are displayed in narrow areas.[booked-calendar size="small"]
Members Only:
This attribute will hide the appointment calendar from non-logged-in users. This is great to use in conjunction with the Profile shortcode (below) to display a login form on a page, and then when the user logs in it will show them the profile page as well as a booking calendar.[booked-calendar members-only="true"]
Booked Profile:
Use this shortcode on the page you're using for the profile view. This only works with "Registered Booking".
Booked Login Form:
By default, this login form will show up in the profile shortcode for non-logged-in users. However, if you want to display the login form somewhere else, you can use this shortcode to display it.
Booked Appointments:
If the need arises, you can use this shortcode to display the currently logged in user's upcoming appointments in a simple list view. This will only show upcoming appointments and nothing else. Good for sidebar widgets, etc.